What's HotHanalei: Currently up on Kauai's stupendous (yes, stupendous) North Shore for two nights in a little flat in Hanalei. It's rained that whole time and even that's hot. We counted 16 waterfalls today, collected pocketfuls of (free!) butter avocados and now are vicariously grooving to the surf guitar rock emanating from the bar down the street. Yeah for STAYcations (vacationing in our own backyard).
Kolea Cabin: Our STAYcation kicked off last weekend with a trip up to Kokee. Some friends didn't finish a reservation they had so we scored the weekend in the snugly Kolea Cabin complete with a woodfire, nights in sleeping bags and sock wearing. Shoots, I felt like I was living in a temperate climate again. Even roasted a marshmallow for heaven's sakes.
Vampires: Chum was a blood-thirty succubus for Halloween and was cute enough to raise the dead (I know, gag-o-mom alert).
3572: Words I've logged so far for
Thesis: Hearing back from my supervisor and only having to make some easy formatting corrections, almost there!
What's Not Hot:Sneaky Evangelicals: (Disclaimer: I am pro-God/Great Spirit so don't infer I have some sort of religious hater thing going on please!) We took Jarah to what was billed as a Halloween Puppet Show at a local theater.
Problem 1: No Halloween Story Lines in sight, I was picturing friendly pumpkins, maybe a friendly ghost or two.
Problem 2: The puppets only wanted to sing "Don't be ashamed of the Gospel," (I wasn't??), and get us to go to their wackadoo church which was advertised about 35 times in first 3 minutes. I think we lasted >5 minutes before bailing out the side door and blinking in the daylight wondering "What the $*(& was that?"
Procrastinating my writing: So got to go log 1,665 words asap.