Sunday, December 28, 2008

Our Wee Man

I've decided to give blogging another go as a 2009 resolution. This is a past time that I am notoriously not very good at keeping up to date. As Little Chum lives on a small island in the middle of a big ocean he is far, far from extended family and good friends he hasn't met yet. With a bit of diligence and hopefully increasingly better access to wi-fi within the next few months, this is designed as a little corner of the internet for folks to love on our wee man.

Not that long ago I was a huge preggo lady lumbering along the sun-soaked Hawaiian beaches...

Then surprise, I have a kid!

Sometimes I get so tired that I literally nod off over my early morning coffee. Sometimes I find myself getting so frustrated that my teeth seemed destined to split under the grinding. Sometimes I think...maybe I'm not as good at this as I thought I'd be.

Sometimes I think, I totally got this. Sometimes I think, I can't remember before he came. Sometimes I think, I want to stop time right now.

Then I'm crazy excited for what's going to happen next.

So bear with me dear folks...I'll try my very bestest to keep you updated with the adventures of Little Chum's first year.

1 comment:

  1. this is great. now i can wake up, boot up the computer, and see how much the little chum has grown. he sure is a cute one.
