Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Desert Tripping

Spent the day cruising through the Apache Trail, a scenic drive east of Mesa through the Superstition Mountains. Chumsy has been getting way better at spending longer than oh, say 5 minutes in his car seat. I had always heard stories from pals of colicky babes driving midnight streets to cease the crying. Our little fella had the reverse reaction. I'd take one happy baby, toss in a pinch of car seat, add one turned on car and it was a surefire recipe for hysterics.

However, as of late our 3 hours plus drive to Yuma, 8 hour trip to 3 wildlife refuges and today's full day of stop and go has started to pay off. He's not exactly squealing with delight when placed in backseat, but I can conjure a smile or two occasionally. And when that fails, belting out "B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-0, B-I-N-G-O and Bingo was his name, oh!" tends to work miracles. Even if he just forces himself to sleep to make my swan song disappear.

This is good. Really good. Because we have high hopes that include lots o' travels in this wee bubs future. Been seriously considering tackling a longer southwest soujourn toward the end of the year.

Below pics are a couple of snaps from last couple days. Sunset over Phoenix, Hiking up Palm Canyon in Kofa National Wildlife Refuge, and up Fish Creek Canyon.


  1. Love the cactus shot and this has to be the best family photo yet. You're all glowing, happy and beautiful! Much love. - Claire

  2. Thanks Claire! Also, I need to credit the cactus shot to Nick.
