Monday, August 3, 2009

Will he get the shakes?

I'm a little worried about weaning. We're 3 months shy of a year hereabouts and to say chum has a milky addiction is putting it mildly. he loves him some milk with the passion Dracula feels for a shapely neck, Kim Jong-il feels for 80's action movies and my husband feels for sleep.

Hence I'm thinking of not weaning at the 1 year mark. However, if I wait for him to self-wean will I have a kindergartner becoming a social pariah when he packs me for school lunch?


1 comment:

  1. I went with baby-led weaning and none of mine were still nursing when they went to preschool. First, the nursing gets less frequent as they eat more solid food and particularly as they begin to walk and get busy. Second, if you get into the talking stage, things become negotiable.
